Thursday, 31 December 2009

Waiting waiting waiting

I still haven't had any feedback on my submissions letter.

It's really difficult to know what to put in one of these, and this is my first attempt. I was desperately hoping that a friend-of-a-friend (who is a published author) would offer some pointers. They said they would, but haven't got back to me. I don't like to be pushy, after all, they are working to deadlines themselves.

I think I just have to be brave, and trust in myself.

Friday, 4 December 2009


Day off duly taken.

Alterations made from proof reading feedback.

Submission letter drafted (gosh... that was harder than I expected) and sent to someone for feedback.

More research on suitable publishers done.

One slightly irritating thing is some of the conflicting advise I'm getting re: a literary agent. Some of the stuff I've seen indicates a number of publishers won't touch something unless it comes via an agent. One book I've read even suggests getting an agent is the first thing you should do. However, a bloke at work has had a book published, and he says no, don't get an agent unless/until you are an established writer.

What to do??

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Something will have to go...

It's driving me potty. I have to get my writing done.

When you see people explain that they "have" to write you don't really understand it until you have the same thing boiling inside you.

Something will have to be sacrificed. Whether it is sleep, or sofa time with my loved one. There MUST be a way I can set aside one paltry hour a day.

It can be done, and it will be done.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Time, or lack of it.

Well, I've got lots of useful feedback from the proof-reader. I just can't get the time to sit down and get everything finalised.

I'm just going to have to take a day off work to do it.

I really appreciate why you need a dedicated writing space, and serious alone time, to really make progress with writing.

Oh it would be so much easier if I didn't have all these demands on my time. I got a text from old friends this week asking to come and visit. We've decided on Friday, but really I wanted to put them off. I have things I need to be doing.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Sods Law

dictates the moment the manuscript goes for proof, I discover something interesting to add to it.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Thoughts about writing

When I write, I find it the most absorbing thing in the world.

That is both a good and a bad thing.

It's good, because when I get the urgency to express my thoughts on paper, I don't stop. Hours fly by as I revel in English, toying with metaphor and creating written pictures.

It's bad, because I get up from the computer with an icy, numbed neck and shoulder muscles knotted and screaming.

It's good because I can think of no other way I would rather spend my working day. I sit down (using yesterday as an example, because that was when I finished the book for proof reading) at 8am, and next thing you know (barring a trip to the kitchen for boiled egg and soldiers), it's 12 o'clock.

It's bad because I have to work for a living in the regular way. Simply, I have days and days when I dare not sit down and write, because I don't have the spare two or three hours required. I have full time work to do, food to cook, and house to take care of, and I occasionally need sleep too.

Will this book be a liberation or a poisoned chalice? I know most dreams we would like to follow are easier if you don't have to do a "job" as well, but the harsh realities are that few would be writers will be good enough, or prolific enough, to support themselves through that writing. As nice as that would be, I know I'm not likely to be the next JKR. Maybe I can be content with writing part time.

If nothing else, the journey will have something to teach me I suppose.

Now, for that boiled egg and soldiers methinks.

Sue J

Another thing I've never done before

Last year I did a fascinating experiment, living off World War 2 rations for a week. I extensively blogged the experiment, and received a lot of great feedback.

Although a year has gone by, the experience has never left me.

In fact, due to comments from friends and people here on Blogger, I set about doing something I've never tried before but always secretly wanted to try. I wrote a book.

It is more or less complete now, and is just about to be proofed (argh, criticism!).

This blog will be about my journey to get it published. Wish me luck.

Sue J